
Waldan K. Kwong
Group Leader
Microbial Genomics and Symbiosis Lab
PhD Yale Univ.
‣Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
BSc Univ. of British Columbia
‣Biology & Physics
Interests: microbes, evolution, functional genomics, visual media & scicomm

Cláudia Campos
Lab Manager
PhD Univ. of Geneva
‣Developmental Biology
MSc Univ. of Aveiro
‣Advanced Biomolecular Methods
Interests: host-microbe interactions, methods development, sustainability in science

Samuel Acheampong
IBB PhD Student​
MPhil Univ. of Ghana
‣Molecular Biology
BSc Kwame Nkrumah Univ. of Science and Technology
Interests: host-microbe interactions, bacterial secretion, digital art

Rodney Eyles
Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD Australian National Univ.
‣Plant Science
BSc Australian National Univ.
‣Molecular Biology
Interests: host-microbe signalling, non-coding RNA, transcriptomics

Ana Barradas
Postdoctoral Fellow​
PhD Univ. of Manchester
MSc Univ. of Algarve
‣Ecology & Marine Conservation

Slipa Kanungo
IBB PhD student​
(co-advised with Karina Xavier)
MSc Kalinga Inst. of Industrial Tech.
‣Applied Microbiology
BSc Trident Academy of Creative Tech.

Ramya Ganesan
Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD Johannes Gutenberg Univ. Mainz & MPI for Chemical Ecology
‣Insect Symbioses
BTech SASTRA Univ.
Interests: animal-microbe symbiosis and ecology, sci-art, and comics.​

Matilde Amador
MSc student
MSc Univ. of Aveiro
‣Molecular and Cellular Biology
BSc Univ. of Lisboa

Margarida Moreira
Technician/MSc student
MSc Inst. Superior Técnico
BSc Univ. of Coimbra
Feb. 2023